Our team is developing a research program for the understanding and treatment of neuromuscular disorders. We are grateful to AFM-Telethon for the generous support of this program through the Strategic Pole "Translamuscle".
Our lab is an active member of the stem-cell-focused consortia:

Campaign "1000 researchers visit schools"
Before the pandemic, we visited several schools around France in the frame of a campaign conceptualized and coordinated by AFM-Telethon. In 2019 alone, we interacted with ~1,500 students to discuss the latest advancements of gene and cell therapy as well as science careers

June 2021
April 2021
PhD defense
Aymeline defended her thesis
February 2021
Our study on "Tissue damage induces a conserved stress response that initiates quiescent muscle stem cell activation" is out at Cell Stem Cell
June 2021
Our study on "Unexpected contribution of fibroblasts to muscle lineage as a mechanism for limb muscle patterning" is out at Nat Commun
April 2021
Our study on "M-Cadherin is a PAX3 target during myotome patterning" is out at Front Cell Dev Biol
January 2021
Our study on "Platelets facilitate the wound-healing capability of mesenchymal stem cells by mitochondrial transfer and metabolic reprogramming" is out at Cell Metabolism
May 2021
Our study on "Stress relief: emerging methods to mitigate dissociation-induced artefacts." is out at Trend Cell Biol
April 2021
New team members
We welcome Iwona for her post-doc work and Léa for taking care of our neuromuscular physio-pathology models
January 2021
Our study on "Cardiolipin content controls mitochondrial coupling and energetic efficiency in muscle" is out at Science Advances
May 2021
Our study on "Direct contribution of skeletal muscle mesenchymal progenitors to bone repair" is out at Nat Commun
March 2021
Our study on "Progressive and coordinated mobilization of the skeletal muscle niche throughout tissue repair revealed by single-cell proteomic analysis" is out at Cells
January 2021
New team members
We welcome Marine, Gwladys & Diane in the team for their masters theses
December 2020
Social engagement
In support of the 2020 AFM-Telethon fundraising campaign to support patients and research on neuromuscular disorders, we have set up a collection page for Telethon
October 2020
Valentina presenting poster in the WMS virtual meeting.
Congratulations to her for the conference prize!
August 2020
Conference update
The EMBO meeting co-organized by Fred, is passing to a hybrid (online + on-site) format
April 2020
New team member
We welcome Anais (assistant engineer) in the team
February 2020
Guest speaker
Dr. Han Li visited the lab and presented her work on reprogramming and cellular plasticity
November 2020
New team member
We welcome Lea Rivera in the team for her master thesis
October 2020
PhD defense
Nahed defended her thesis
July 2020
You can find our study on "Distinct phases of postnatal skeletal muscle growth govern the progressive establishment of muscle stem cell quiescence" in Stem Cell Reports here
March 2020
Passing to remote work mode:
- Sending material to our collaborators is on hold
- Delivery of recent orders is still possible
- We expect to transform all those stocked data to submitted papers
January 2020
Translamuscle II
We are grateful to AFM-Telethon for renewing their trust to our Translamuscle Strategic Pole and supporting our translational research on neuromuscular disorders
November 2020
Team video
Our team's activities are summarized in videos that we will start posting on our twitter account @RelaixLab. Follow us to find out more about our research
September 2020
Scientific Strategy
We initiate collaborative projects with the biotech Encefa, hosted in our lab at EnvA
May 2020
Despoina presenting poster in the ASGCT virtual meeting
March 2020
Our study on "Platelets promote pro-angiogenic activity of mesenchymal stem cells via mitochondrial transfer and metabolic reprogramming" is available on Cell Metabolism sneak peek here
January 2020
Lab's organisation
Groups 3 (Tiret) & 4 (Blot) move into the new Auguste Chauveau building at EnvA
November 2020
Thank you to Pascal Maire for the collaboration on single nucleus sequencing of muscle samples. Frst joint paper is out in Nat Commun, showing coordinated transcription within myofibers
September 2020
New team members
We welcome Eleni (post-doc), Jules (associate professor), Erica (assistant engineer), Sylvie (assistant engineer), Mélody (PhD student) & Mathilde (PhD student), in the team
April 2020
Seminar series
Fred giving talk in the Muscle Regeneration in Isolation virtual meeting
February 2020
Our study on "Skeletal muscle tissue damage leads to a conserved stress response and stem cell-specific adaptive transitions" is available on CellStemCell sneak peek here
December 2019
Guest speaker
Prof. Elazar Zelzer visited the lab and presented interesting results on the bone-tendon-muscle system
October 2019
New team member
We welcome Nabil in the team for his PhD
June 2019
Philippos promoted to DR2 at CNRS
March 2019
Fred giving talk in the Myology 2019 meeting - many of our PhD & post-docs presenting posters (Bordeaux, France)
December 2019
PhD defense
Marie defended her PhD
October 2019
Poster prize to Alessio in the 3rd International Conference on Stem Cells meeting (Chania, Greece)
June 2019
Philippos giving talk and Joana presenting poster in GRC Myogenesis (Lucca, Italy)
November 2019
Outreach program
Multiple team members visited French schools to discuss gene & cell therapy (highlight above)
September 2019
Fred giving talk in the Frontiers in Myogenesis meeting (San Jose, Costa Rica)
May 2019
Fred giving talk in the Institute of Genetics and Biophysics (Napoli, Italy)
November 2019
PhD defenses
Zeynab & Leo defended their PhDs
July 2019
We organized the first BNMS retreat to exchange ideas on results & scientific strategies of all groups of the BNMS team
April 2019
Our study on "PAX3 confers functional heterogeneity in skeletal muscle stem cell responses to environmental stress" is out in Cell Stem Cell